Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hello guys....sambungan dri entry sebelumnya ni..haha..byak je na cter..mklumla,,,tgan da mla gtal na berblogging..ceiwah..haha..gelak2 je keje..ish2..ok2..back to da point ok,,lpas la ktorang blik dri men futsal ari tu,,kpala msing2 mla lah bfikir kt mane na cri mkan yea,,coz prot msing2 da mla lpar dan dlam kehausan yg amt sgt..haha..so,,since adlah uma kwan kami dkat2 c2 je..so,,kami wak la plan terjah umah dye,,haha...

si dia ialah FARAH HANIM a.k.a kak idahs..haha,,comel je nma yg da lma sebati nga dye 2..haish,,mcam2 sungguh..since umah dye xde org sgt,,ad ank buah dye je,,so,,ktorang ase selesa la ckit..bleh bsing2 n riuh g2,,tp xla riuh sgt,,pnat2...haha..n dgan bakatnye as a housewife.kak idahs mnjamu la ktorang air sirap ais..wah2,,trase nkmat yg amt sgt since tkak da haus gler..mlantak la,,,haha..ktorang mkan la + bukak cter2 lama..coz msing2 lma xjmpe sjak xskola an,,serta diiringi gelak n hilai tawa yg sguh mbahagiakan,,kanak2 ribena agy,,haha..n xlama lpas tu..kami pon mla la beransur na blah dri c2,,xelok lama2 umah org..hee,,b4 blik,,sempat agy berposing,,mklimla,,gler lensa sumenye,,haha,,ok,,ni la pic nye..

                                           haa,,nilah knangan yg smpat tercoret d umah kak idahs,,
                                         ooppsss,,camera gurl xde dcini,,xpe2,,hee,,yg kcik comel tu,,ank buah kak idahs..
                                                             :) <3 <3 <3

blik je dri umah kak idahs,,ktorang truskan plan yg sudah sedia diplan di umah kak idahs tdi,,dats it,,prgi ke lab yg terletak di K.BHARU,,,hee,,lab tu nmenye PATHLAB..klaka an name dye..haiya,,kami ke sana dgn 1 tutjuan,,na wak ABO blood test..na tau ape jnis drah ktorang ni..haha..so,,prgi la ke sana,,dgn sgala mcm bagai prasaan,,pdhal na cek jnis drah je..haha..poyo gler..

sesampai kat sana,,tros la isi borang sume2,,n nama dpanggil sorang2..sementara mnunggu..jeng2,,ktorang pon ape agy..beraksi dpan lensa lah..hahaha...

                                   haa,,nilah suasana PATHLAB tu,,haha,,2 orang insan tiada lam gmba,,xpe2..

  then,,tgu pyer tgu,,tup2,,nama dpagil,,untuk mmbyar harga ujian,,korang na taw bpe hinggit????
pergghh,,na cbut jntg..haha..amik ko,,kne rm20 untuk ujian jnis drah..haiyaa,,na xna,,kne byar..haha..gler btol..tp redha je..hee..

tgu pyer tgu,,tup2 kakk tu ckap,,ad prob ape ntah,,n hasil xleh dikuarkan at dat time,,so,,beliau gtao,,kul2 datg amik hasil,,ktorang pon,,ape agy,,pgilah mncari makan since da waktu lunch..haha..jalan pyer jalan,,oopss,,duk lam kete ok,,xjalan,,haha,,sampai la ke MCD KB..situlah tmpat kami mlantak..mkan2 n haa,,sowilah xd gmba dc2..haha..ckup2 la berlensa,,so,,strusnya singgah umah cik kak bju pink utk mnunaikan kwajipan..solat ZUHUR!..yeah..jalan2 jgak an...

then,,lpak2,,kul 2,,siap2 blik utk amik hasil test,,msing2 xsabar n excted kononnye..haha..kjap je msuk,,n da dpt hasilnye,,OMG,,,,my blood type is...........................................


O+...MY BLOOD TYPE..syukur je..:)

then,,xau da na gmane pastu,,tros la kete tu mluncur dgn kadar sederhana mnuju ke taman rekreasi TAMAN TGKU ANIS...ore klate je kot taw tmpat ni..haha..ok guys,,rleks2..n ad lah plak kjadian lawak ke seram ke,,annoying ke,,kami pon xpasti coz kompius dgn keadaan tu,,iaitu,,dtegur oleh org yg kurang siuman g2..ktorang,,pe agy,,tros la blah,,ala2 lari ke tempat kete dgn niat na blah tros..how shocked we are..orang tu follow kami scara plahan2..pergghh dshat gker ase,,nek kete tros blah dgan gelak2 yg xabis terigt kjadian tu,,nseb bekla kami xape2,,haiyaa,,moral of d astory,,jgn pgi tmpat gitu pd waktu xsesuai..haha...swit sour moment kot..

blik je dri tmpat tdi,,tros la ke umah saya,,since da jlan dkat c2 je..so,,lam kul 3.45 smpi umah gue,,dorang mnum2 air rhat2 dlu kjap..then,,dorang pon memulakan blik pjalanan untuk mencampak sorang demi sorang ke tempat asal..whahahahahah..kjam ayt..xpe2..

erm 2 jelah kot cter 4 dis entry,,tamat ksah merewang kami..temx pade ane2 insan yg bca,,lau ase boring ke hape ke,,cpt2 la pgkah,,xpyah bca..hee..ok..tata..salam..ad ole2 ckit ni..

                                             enjoy dis video+song ok...:)


Haa,,,jmpe agy ek kte lam blog ni,,,hee,,first of all,,salam to u guys,,sudi2 lah menjengah blog gue ni....*perghh skema jap ayt..*hahahhaah.....

   hurm,,act arini da ckup 1 mggu camtu la,,my gang n i kuar merewang2 last week..oopsss,,ktorang mrewang kat tmpat yg berfaedah ok...ahaks,,act,,planning na kuar ni just drancang dlam bbrapa ary saja,,n xplulah na cter detail an,,korang pon mlas na bca pnjg2,,huu..ok2,,back to da point,,

  ok,,ktorang mrancang tuk bmain futsal la kononye cam hbat an,,tpi xpe,,jdikan ia pgalaman yg ckup bmakna,,hhaa..ktorang prgi ke pusat futsal 2,,dgan mnaiki sebuah makhluk yg brnama "KELISA" yg dpandu oleh my little pro driver..cik NAJY..yeah..coz lam rmai2,,dye je yg da dpt lesen p,,ape agy,amikla ksempatan,,merewang2,,haha..

ok2,,lam lbh kurg kul 9.15 gitu,,ktorang smpai kat pusat futsal yg trltak d PASIR TUMBOH dan tmpat tu,,ala2 tersorok g2,,hahatp xpe,,asal dpat maen je an,,kami dgn pnoh ase excted+xsabar2 na men ni,,trusla mnerjah ke dlam court itu,,nseb bekla xde org sgt,,so,,kurang la,,kepemaluan tu,,haha...

n waktu utk men cmalah sejam dan bharga rm40 hinngit,,,agk mhal kan,,tp ble dkongsi2,,xla trase sgt..haha*ceis kedekut tol*..erm ktorang tnpa mnunggu lama tros la men,,n b4 dat,,,knelah bhagi kmpulan,,since kami cuma ber6..haha,,lwak gler,,1 team 3org,,+goalie..haiyaa,,tp xpe,,just 4 fun la,,then ktorang pon maen la dgn rakus sgoh,,kejar sana sini smpai xckup nafas,,haha..n lastly,,tgok2 jam,,da half time ktorang men,,igt na stop,,dpt la byar sparuh,,tp hampes ble p.cik kat c2 ckap,,men sparuh pon,,byar pnoh,,haha,,hampes an,,bekla men full je,,haish,,then ktorang pon gnalah mse yg berbaki tu utk berposing2 haha..haa,,oopss,,b4 dat..u guys taw x,,ktorang dpat seri 4 sama..hbat gak team ni..haha*prasan jap*..lalalala~

   ha,,then tbalah msa utk berposing2,,adlah skit2 sya sajikan untuk tatapan korang,,jmput2la,,jgn mlu2 tgok,,hahha..xdelah byak sgt k..

                                         aksi maen yg poyo,,haha.....sori guys

                                 cik selendang beraksi..haha..sory habib,,blurr kejap..

                                                   duduk setelah pnat kejar2 bola nga mnusia,,haha..pity us

                                     sempat berposing lpas men..abiskan masa..:)

                                                   posing agy dkat gawang gol yg berjasa..haha

haa,,,lau u guys na taw,,court yg ktorang men ni,,cam bruk skit taw,,smpai aty p.cik tu,,,haish,,gram btol,,court yg lwa pyer ad,,tpi bg yg tu,,tpi redha je,,tp cmne pon,,ktorang smpat bgmbar kat court bru..haha

                                       haa,,nilah court yg bru skit tu,,lawa la jgak an,,sume gmba2 ni dlam keadaan  
                                                                       keletihan..huu.pnat sih..

n tu je gmba yg smapt disnap kat sana,,lastly,,na kasi tgok gmba team kami yg tersyang..

                        yeah..nilah gmba team ktorang..GO TEAM-MATES  kan..haha..

papepon..sgt2 enjoy la,,credit to u ols guys..love u all..:) <3...<3..


Monday, March 7, 2011


first of all,,salam to you guys,,:) my entry 4 dis time just a little bit nothing,,but i still want to share wif u ols..ngee~~..blog sya kan,,ska hati sya la kan..ahaks....:D 

 haa,,lau sya tya korang ni,,msti sume pnah jwab yeah an..hahha..act,,such a funny question,,have u ever make a 'lempeng'??haha..of course had rite..??yeah coz its such an easy thing maybe??kui3..

  ok2..back to da point b4 sya melalut dgn lbih jaoh lgi..heee...yeah,,lau na dhitung2,,act,,arini da msuk ari ke-7...haaa??hari ape 2??haha..wanna to know??come here bebeh..

haa,,b4 dat,,wanna say sory to MIKB,,haha,,coz i wanna to publish ur 1st eva lempeng..ahaks..
 jgn mara ok??hope so,,ngee~~..last wik,,ol of sudden he tell me,,"hey u,,i wak lempeng pgi ni"..
at about 7 o'clock..wah2..so surprise,,tbe2 rjin ni,,pehal an..haha..tp proud of him,,rjin btol,,haish..ahaks,,

  funny lak ase,,such a "comel2" lempeng kot..haa,,u guys wanna to see da face of lempeng??haha..boleh2..tp,,diam2 je ea..shhhhh....

   haa,,nilah hasilnye...comel an..haha,,"first eva lempeng" ok,,its name..:D
tbe2 ase trharu tgok lempeng ni,,hasil usaha ank truna..haha...lazat g2..CREDIT TO MIKB 4 trying...:)

  hurm,,msti ad yg ase terannoying or pape wif my entry??haha..but its ok,,i dont care la,,coz...
wanna to know y??
coz dis is my blog..hahahah..dats da reason,,ska ati la an..lau ase annoying,,cpat2 pgkah ea,,jgn baca..haha......

 and korang jgak msti plik an,,y ea??ol of my entry msti ad insan brnama MIKB TU,,Haa,,
yg sal tu,,bialah sya je tao,,ahaks,,ok guys,,hope u ols ok2 je..:)

erm i think dats ol la kot 4 dis entry,,naty sya update cter laen plak ok..ngee~..
yeah,,dats ol,,temx 4 all those who read it.."TOCHE2"..:)

   enjoy dis song..first time..suit wif dis entry,,love  BRUNO MAR'S voice..:)

k guys,,tata,,salam..


YEAH..akhirnye blog sya bwajah bru..hoho..n i would like to temx a lot to my my new friend a.k.a my besty..yeah CIK YUHANIS JAN ZAKRI..wah..credit to u dear..coz help me to come out wif a new look at my blog..yeah..we're rock bebeh..hee..

yup,,dis entry just to appreciate her ok,,not so many la to story mory here..hee..coz dis entry spesel 4 her..:)

wah2,,but,,b4 i forgot,,also na ucap temx kat MIKB coz sdia myumbang quotes at da top of my header 2..yeah,,n also 4 da theme song...INSYAALLAH in malay version,,,sgt2,,myentuh hati,,

OK GUYS,,dont want to post a lot la,,kang melalut je..hee..dats ol guys,,hope insan2 yg trsebut di ats mmbaca dis entry yg cincai ini..tp pnoh iklas ok,,ngee~..

yeah..nilah my besty kat fb 2,,,comel kan..hee..sygs kamoo,,:)

k,,,la guys,,i think dats ol 4 dis entry,,,tata,,salam..

Saturday, March 5, 2011


EHERM,,,arini 6/6/11 rite??haa,,n also da last date 2 update da matrix form yeah..but,,on dis day la,, i wanna 2 update my blog..haha..fuhh..dah 2 bln lbih kot xupdate,,dshat bz mgalahkan org keje..kah3..tp arini,,ntah la nape,,ase excted sgt wak entry bwu even my followers cme 5 olang...huu sdih..T_T...haa,,u guys,,i think dat i'm really heppy,,on dis day,,huu..y ea?/erm,,adela..haha..jap ea..dis is my blog,,so,,ske ati sya la an na tlis pape..hee..jgn mrah ea..:)..erm just na share nga u ols tntg kgmbiraan sya yg ntah pape ni..haha..ok,,ooppss,,jgn na melalut2 ea,,back to da point ea..huu,,smalam pda dtik 12.40a.m,,wah2,,i got a col from someone name on da tittle of dis entry,,(MIKB) shh,,sowi can't tell da name..'BIARLAH RAHSIA'..hahaha.. n u ols know wat,,dis time,,dat person not only call just to ask,,'HEY,,U OL9 KE X??'huu,,but,,dis time 4 something spesel 4 me lah..ngee~..owh he really2 pay his word to sing a song 4 me..hua3..*atiku bbunga riang,,konon la,,* but,,sincerely beb,,i'm epy..:) u know wat type of song??haa,,men sni,,meh dkat2,,jom kte dgr lgu ape ea..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2OfPwkCruE...

haaa..dat song la he sang to me..perghh..make me shoke 4 a while,,n i know,,he so sincere...oppss,,tersyok sndiri plak..ok2,,hope so ok..:)....sowi MIKB..tersyok sorang..haha

wah2..n i'm very2 speechless dat time..+blushing..ngee...btw,,temx ea MIKB..u make my day..

thank you Allah..:)
ooppss,,korang jgn pk bkan2..ktorang kwan je..hee..:)

i think dats ol 4 this entry,,temx 4 anyone who spent ur time at my blog yg xsberape ni..hee..
al maklumla,,sya bdak bru blaja...hahaha..

ok guys,,dats ol from me..

last but not least..enjoy dis song ea..temx MIKB ....u make me like to hear dis song always..hahaha..ayt poyo je..

ooppss,,n i had remember da lyrics..just a bit,,

'its a beautiful night,,we're looking for something dumb to do.."
'hey bebeh,,i think i wanna marry u"hee..

ok2..enough,,dats ol,,temx,,:)